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  Public Ticket #2431026
Unable to make portfolio category visible and create "load more posts" function for portfolio page


  • Tung Anh started the conversation

    Hi support team,

    I am currently having two questions related to theme. 

    Question 1: where can I make portfolio category visible like demo theme (highlighted in yellow) ? 

    Question 2: where can I create "load more posts" for portfolio category page like demo theme 

    I look forward to hearing reply from you soon.

    Thanks in advance!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try use this shortcodes for your portfolio page:

    [portfolio image_type="landscape" style="masonry" lightbox="false" pagination="load_more" cat="" number="12" filter="true" column="3" all_text="All" /]

    Check more about attr of portfolio shortcodes here

    Best Regards,
