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  Public Ticket #2432829
List of Questions


  • anindyabaidya started the conversation

    Hi, I have collected my list of questions so that I do not need to bother you every time. Details in the attached spreadsheet. Questions below:

    1. How do I remove the poems (category) tag from the dropdown, highlighted below?
    2. The below dropdown has my articles in sequence, for example the article with the blue jar comes before the pink shell and henceforth. How can I make the sequence random so that a reader sees a different sequence everytime he visits.
    3. How can I make the below dropdown scroll with a time frequency. From left to right.
    4. I want to put a signature along with the logo. The signature should be there in the middle of the header. How can I do that?
    5. Search function: My website is in non english (Bengali). Search function cannot give result if website visitor does not  type in bengali. Will the search function be able to
      1. pick up english characters of bengali word?
      2. Will the search work outside the article body, for example, tags, excerpt etc.
    6. Hamburger menu. Instead of a list symbol can there be another symbol like an arrowhead that opens on clicking and closes when the cursor moves away from the arrowhead?
    7. My logo is missing from the Tab version. Please help me out, what did I do wrong?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please check option for it via Customize > Logo and Header Options > Hide Post Category On Thumbnail Of Mega Menu

    2 & 3 & 6/ Unfortunately, this theme doesn't support for this feature.

    4/ Unfortunately, this theme doesn't support for display signature there.

    5/ The theme inherit the search function from WordPress itself and wordpress doesn't support it from itself.

    7/ Strange, as I see you're using header style 6 and the logo should be there when you on tablet.

    Please make your site live to I can check it help you. I can't check anything if I dont see your site.

    Best Regards,
