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  Public Ticket #2435067
Cannot save customization changes


  • falchetto started the conversation

    Hi there,

    it's more or less a week that if i try to customize the Soledad template i read the message 'changeset_post_save_failure' as you can see in the attached file.

    I tried to remove some plugins and my customized css but nothing changed.

    Thanks for the attention, regards

  • falchetto replied

    oops i didn't attache the file, here it is


  • falchetto replied


  • kalunchin replied

    Hi falchetto, how did you solve it?

    I have the same problem

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @kalunchin,

    That's issue with Database limit. Let's contact with your hosting provider and ask them about this.

    Also, in the next time, please create a new ticket, don't put reply to ticket of another people because they will get notice email from your reply.

    Best Regards,
