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  Public Ticket #2435690
footer menu


  • louiseellis started the conversation

    I've followed all the instructions to create a footer menu and add pages... I've already done this with the main menu... and it worked just fine...

    However - even though it shows on the menu page - that my footer menu has been created and saved... it isn't there on my site...?

    So I'm wondering what has gone wrong?

    Many thanks...

  • louiseellis replied

    okay - i think i've sorted it! I went through the customisation -and found a box to enable footer menu - which I clicked - and now it's appeared...

    However - it also appears in a pop=up side box on the left - accessed from an icon on the main top tool bar... I'm not sure how it got there? Also - what is this pop up box called - and how do I get rid of it - or edit it?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems you've mentioned to "Related Posts Popup" - You can check options forĀ it via Customize > Single Post Options.

    Best Regards,
