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  Public Ticket #2436068
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Error


  • m28006 started the conversation

    I'm getting a CLS error in Google Search Console for all my pages. I believe the issue is linked to how the big featured image is loading slower than the rest of the web page. When the image is done loading and finally displayed, the rest of the content is pushed further down on the page causing the CLS shift. True that this sudden shift on the page can be confusing for the user.  

    Any advice on how avoid this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • m28006 replied

    Figured it out I think - disabled lazy load on single post. Is there a way to only disable lazy load on the featured image?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    The disable lazyload on single posts will be disable lazyload on featured image and related posts. So, it doesn't different much.

    And the theme doesn't support for disable lazyload image for only featured image on single post pages.

    Best Regards,


  • m28006 replied

    Thank you for this. 

    1) I didn't find any option to disable lazyload for pages, just posts. Is this correct? The Penci featured slider is also affected by the CLS error on my homepage The slider does not appear immediately because of lazyload, but then "pops up" displacing other elements causing the shift.  

    2) To use a plugin to control lazyload instead, should I first disable the penci lazyload option under customize -> general options? 

    3) Will test out a plugin that controls lazyload by only loading images above the fold. There are also plugins that let you create a placeholder to avoid the shifting of elements on the website. Might be something to look into for future version.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Yeah, page doesn't support for disable lazyload images now. Because you don't need to set featured image for a page - It's not required. So, you can leave featured image and add images from your media library.

    For CLS error, currently there is no way to fix the slider, because it uses javascript and javascript need time to loads.

    2/ Yes, you should disable all lazyload images from the theme via:

    Disable lazyload images on category mega menu on Customize > Logo and Header Options > Disable Lazyload Images on Category Mega Menu

    Disable lazyload images on all layouts, widgets on Customize > General Options > Disable Lazyload on All Posts Layouts & Widgets

    Disable lazyload images on featured slider on Customize > Featured Slider Options > Disable Lazy Load Images on The Slider

    Disable lazyload images on single posts page on Customize > Single Post Options > Disable Lazy Load Images on Single Posts

    3/ There is no any plugin can do that. At least in this moment..

    It's hard to fixed all size because we need to use javascript to do loads some elements, and javascript need time to load...

    Best Regards,


  • m28006 replied

    Thanks for this.

    In terms of the javascript that loads the feature slider: I am using the plugin Autoptimize, and suspect that it's causing the slider to load even slower. In the settings there's an option to exclude scripts. What's the name of the javascript(s) I should exclude to make sure there is no delay in loading the slider? Any other tips to make sure the feature slider loads quicker? 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    There is no way to make slider load faster...

    Because the slider needs to caculate the width/height of each slider, appears the <div> and CSS for some elements.. So, it can't be load fast like other elements.

    Best Regards,
