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  Public Ticket #2437313
Slow changes


  • Eduardo started the conversation

    I'm in love with Soledad. One of the best themes that I used. But I'm with a problem. I'm using on local dev only, but everytime that I change something in customizer, he takes soooo long to change! Like more than 20 sec only to change a color! Is there a way to increase the speed of this? Regards

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for loving our theme.

    Strange, I've tested the customize changes on a live site and I didn't see it slow like that. So, maybe you have a plugin caused this issue, have you tried deactivate all plugins and check it again? If it works, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue.

    And here is a tip for you: Let's change everything ( can be change on many optionsĀ ) as you want and save it - and check the changes on the front-end. It's faster than wait the preview from Customize.

    Best Regards,
