Hi there,
We have been using Soledad for over a year now. Now we are trying to use AMP for our site. And we are using the amp plugin provided with soledad theme.
It shows the homepage just fine. But when we click on a post, it shows a 404 page. Screenshot below.
Hello, We didn't get the plugin update on our dashboard. So we downloaded the file manually from themeforest. But our problem isn't fixed yet. Lori Bogedin
Hi there, We have been using Soledad for over a year now. Now we are trying to use AMP for our site. And we are using the amp plugin provided with soledad theme. It shows the homepage just fine. But when we click on a post, it shows a 404 page. Screenshot below.
We found the problem. The problem is the plugin can’t get generate the url properly. When we click a link, it redirects to a url structure like this (the “slash” is missing between the actual url and “amp”). When we put the slash there manually, it works fine. https://globalbizarre.com/what-are-the-akashic-recordsamp/ https://globalbizarre.com/what-are-the-akashic-records/amp/
Here’s what it looks like on browser.
We disabled amp at this moment and expecting your solution as soon as possible. Thanks
Thank you for your report.
We've knew about this issue, we're working on the new update and the new update will be fixed this issue.
So, please wait for this new update
We will release this update soon in this month.
Best Regards,
Hello, We didn't get the plugin update on our dashboard. So we downloaded the file manually from themeforest. But our problem isn't fixed yet. Lori Bogedin