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  Public Ticket #2439041
Some questions about megamenu and social icons


  • Tung Anh started the conversation


    Thanks for your previous support.

    I have some more questions related to this theme.

    Question 1: Does this theme have scroll up and down function for categories on megamenu? Because as I see, if there are a lot of categories (for example 30 categories), screen will not visualize whole megamenu. (Plz see attached file below for the example of the website having this function).

    Question 2: Can "All" function be at top of the megamenu? 

    Question 3: Can I re-arrange the position of categories on the megamenu?

    Question 4: Does this theme have "previous and next" fuction for posts on the megamenu? 

    Question 5:  Where can I edit social icons on the header and footer of the website? For example of making them invisible or visible.

    Thanks in advance!



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1 & 4/ Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support for this feature. We will consider to add more this feature in the future updates.

    2/ To do that, you need to use Menu Items style 1. Check option for it via Customize > Logo and Header Options > Menu Style > select "Style 1"

    3/ Please use this plugin to do that.

    5/ You can change it via Customize > Social Media Options > fill the URL of your social media here and let blank any social media icon you want to hide.

    For complete remove the social icons on topbar, please check option for it via Customize > Topbar Options.

    For complete remove the social icons on Footer, please check option for it via Customize > Footer Options.

    Best Regards,
