Hello, i am trying to add captions to my featured images (so i can credit photographer) but i couldn';t find an option to do so in the theme and i installed a plugin for it (Featured Image Caption) but it's still not working. Are there any solutions? It's really important for us
Hello, i am trying to add captions to my featured images (so i can credit photographer) but i couldn';t find an option to do so in the theme and i installed a plugin for it (Featured Image Caption) but it's still not working. Are there any solutions? It's really important for us
You can try enable image caption for featured image via Customize > Single Post Options > Enable Caption on Featured Image for Single style 1 & 2
And disable your caption plugin
It's not needed.
Best Regards,
Thank you, that fixed my problem. Just out of curiousity, is it possible to enable captions on other styles or just 1 and 2?
Unfortunately, currently this feature just apply for Style 1 and 2..
Best Regards,