I am trying to change the font size of the bullet list at the bottom of this post. I want to be able to put in CSS in the advanced section of the list block, to change just that block's font size.
You can edit it by use HTML and use something like this:
<ul class="background-color: yellow" style="font-size: 20px;">
<li>"The Physics of Sound" Comprehensive PDF from Western Michigan University <a href="https://homepages.wmich.edu/~hillenbr/206/ac.pdf">https://homepages.wmich.edu/~hillenbr/206/ac.pdf</a></li>
<li>Mathematics of Music course notes at John Hopkins <a href="https://www.ams.jhu.edu/dan-mathofmusic/">https://www.ams.jhu.edu/dan-mathofmusic/</a></li>
I am trying to change the font size of the bullet list at the bottom of this post. I want to be able to put in CSS in the advanced section of the list block, to change just that block's font size.
You can edit it by use HTML and use something like this:
Change value 20 to value as you want.
Best Regards,