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  Public Ticket #2445775
Hide Breadcrumbs and Title in Home Page


  • Eduardo started the conversation

    Hi, I'm trying to hide a Breadcrumb and Title only in Home page but I couldn't. 

    In pages options, I saw that have a option "Hide/Show Breadcrumbs" but even this didn't work.

    The Page Attributes/Template is in DEFAULT TEMPLATE

    Please, can you help me with this?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems you've selected wrong option - let's select here is "No" ( on edit Homepage screen )

    Best Regards,


  • Eduardo replied

    And how I can disable the TITLE??? Thanks for the answer!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    On the image I sent you - you can see option "Display Page Title", let's select "No"

    Best Regards,
