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  Public Ticket #2448974
Recipe vs Review


  • amandajholden started the conversation

    We created a post as a REVIEW by mistake and published it. Went back edited it and change to a RECIPE with [penci_recipe] and that worked fine - post is good. But WP seems to be generating a thumbnail still assuming its a REVIEW because the thumbnail has a purple review circle top right corner. See Pulled Pork recipe on our home page and this attachment. 

    I tried editing post, republishing, changing picture etc but Review circle is still in the thumbnail. 

    How do we force WP to regenerate the thumbnail as a recipe without the circle in top right corner? 


  • amandajholden replied

    ALSO -- I've tried the option "Hide Review pie chart on featured image" --- the circle goes away when this is clicked BUT we generally want this option on because we have a combination of recipes and reviews (but in our case they are mutually exclusive).... 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Because the review will be saved on your database. So, it will auto render that circle.

    The best way to remove it is backup that post first and remove it after. And add it againsmile.png

    Best Regards,
