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  Public Ticket #2449688
Soledad Recipe


  •  1
    CalculatedTraveller started the conversation

    Is it possible to have more than 1 recipe in the same post using the recipe plugin and the recipe shortcode?

  •  1
    CalculatedTraveller replied

    Sorry I wanted to add a reason why I need this

    What if in the case of a Mexican dish and I have the 1 recipe but I also want to include a separate recipe for Salsa.

    I would like to then have 2 recipes in the 1 article.

    Is this possible?

  •  1
    CalculatedTraveller replied

    So sorry, I just discovered some issues when printing the recipe

    None of these things show up on the post but only on the print view. I tested it in Firefox and in Chrome.
    (see screen shot attached shows website on the right/print view on the left)

    1. It is inserting my name "Mary" before the meta description
    2. After the meta description it displays the post category/keyword/cuisine but with no label - just the words - so it looks odd.  I'd like to remove this
    3. It shows Nutrition facts, calories, fat. I have these set to hide them. 
    4. The calories and fat are made up numbers - I didn't fill them so I don't know where they are coming from
    5. The photo is distorted and doesn't show as landscape
    6. It shows a "print this" link which isn't required because I'm already printing it.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You need to wait the popup appears and you can see stylesheet apply to your print - check this image:

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    CalculatedTraveller replied

    But why does that information show up in the first place?

    It's confusing to the person.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, when you print something, all the HTML of the print will appear first, and stylesheet will be load after..

    Best Regards,
