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  Public Ticket #2453496
AMP/CSS Overload


  • discussingfilm started the conversation

    Hello PenciDesign,

    I have been having AMP issues- more specifically, due to CSS overload. Your theme (Soledad) advertises AMP compatibility, and yet, it has overloaded all of my posts. 

    All of my AMP validated posts are becoming invalidated due to 150-190% CSS overload. I have never had this issue before Soledad. I removed all unnecessary plugins as far as I am concerned, and Soledad is now identified as the primary issue.

    An example of a CSS overloaded page is this post. With AMP it looks like this. Absolutely atrocious, right? It is over CSS capacity by 175%, the main source being Soledad's CSS and scripts. Wordpress identified 6 different invalid markups due to the Soledad theme.

    I currently have 20 posts being invalidated due to Soledad. If you could provide a fix, that would be very helpful. Thank you.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Have you using our AMP plugins? If not, let's use our AMP plugin.

    Check more about this here

    Best Regards,


  • discussingfilm replied


    That helped a lot, thank you. Now I'm wondering, how do I get Jetpack ads to work on AMP/mobile? They do not show up, instead, it just shows "advertisements" text with no ads. We currently do not use Google AdSense, and do not have intentions on implementing it any time soon.

    Here is an example of how it looks on the AMP site:

    Do you see how there is no advertisement but it just says "Advertisements" anyways?

    Additionally, I was wondering if there was a way to make my AMP homepage look more like my desktop homepage. The previous Wordpress AMP plugin ensured that everything looked the same. I would like to continue that design from desktop to mobile without forcing users to leave the amp site to go onto the desktop version.


  • discussingfilm replied

    Another update:

    When you search "DiscussingFIlm" on your phone (through Google), you will find the AMP sites for DiscussingFilm. However, they have NOT been updated and show ugly HTML or broken links. When will the AMP be updated?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can put your AMP ads to google ads options via Appearance > Customizer AMP. Those options works with custom HTML also.

    2/ The AMP version just supports display latest posts & featured categories. You can check all options for AMP via Appearance > Customizer AMP.

    3/ It based on google, sometime it updates fast, sometime it slower... I don't know. You just need to wait.

    Best Regards,
