I spoke to your support a few weeks ago when I purchased the Soledad theme and they said on your next update there will be the function to show the last updated date in posts.
Has the new update been released with this yet? If not, when it does, will I automatically see it or have to change something in the settings?
I spoke to your support a few weeks ago when I purchased the Soledad theme and they said on your next update there will be the function to show the last updated date in posts.
Has the new update been released with this yet? If not, when it does, will I automatically see it or have to change something in the settings?
Thank you
We will release a new update in next week, so, please wait for it.
Best Regards,
We've said about this in the documentation for Soledad theme at the top:
Check this image: http://prntscr.com/tfxd6f
Best Regards,
No worries
Let's do that without that notice.
Best Regards,
You didn't do following the guide I sent.
We've noticed it in the red text, don't know why you can't see it.
You need to extract the download package and use soledad.zip file for your install.
Best Regards,