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  Public Ticket #2467118
Pixel Size for Images


  • chelseakbaxter started the conversation

    Hello, I know the recommended image upload size for Featured Images is 1170px width and 780px height. But I'm trying to speed up my site and images are my primary problem. So, even if I edit my photos to that size, and then compress them in a plugin or website like TinyPNG, I'm still left with a large file size because the photo is so big. I know the Soledad theme adjusts the size automatically of photos to fit, but what width and height do you recommend uploading in-post photos at if they aren't going to be used as a feature image? The featured image for this demo is only 585px × 390px and there are no photos in the post to tell if the specs should be any different. Can you please recommend what dimensions the photos should be uploaded at?

    Thanks so much!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes, we need to recommend that size because the featured images need to use on featured slider & single post without sidebar.

    If you use images with 585px width - it will be display blurry inside your single post page here:

    So, with your currently setup - I recommend you use images with 780px width - the height is flexible ( because you're using masonry layout )

    Best Regards,
