Hi, I'm building my website and would like to add some social share buttons to the individual messages on the homepage (preferable in one of the two red circles. See the attached image). The share buttons are showing for the main article on top (the big one) but I can't enable this option for the smaller images below. Can you please help? Thanks a lot!
Hi, I'm building my website and would like to add some social share buttons to the individual messages on the homepage (preferable in one of the two red circles. See the attached image). The share buttons are showing for the main article on top (the big one) but I can't enable this option for the smaller images below. Can you please help? Thanks a lot!
Yeah, currently we didn't support for display social sharing on list layout because the space to display social sharing on this layout is too small.
But, we will add more this feature in the next update version of Soledad
Please wait for it, the next update version will release in this week.
Best Regards,