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  Public Ticket #2470648
Incorrect board name in Pinterest widget breaks all widgets


  • flvictorkapustin started the conversation


    We recently had an issue with soledad pinterest widget:

    - widget was pointing to a specific board on pinterest

    - that specific board was renamed

    - it broke the entire homepage (featured slider not showing, all images became gray thumbs, all widgets stopped working, in [Customize] widget menu showed no available widgets, wordpress banner not appearing, etc.)

    - it also broke all widgets on all pages

    We managed to track it down to the pinterest widget and found out that the board name was not valid anymore (renamed). After providing a new name for the pinterest board the problem was fixed. I just wanted to let you know in case this is not intended behavior - in the past I have seen that this widget provided [Render failed] message instead of silently breaking things. It would be useful to get an error message from pinterest widget in case the board it points to is changed/deleted.

    For context we have WP multisite with two domains:

    Wordpress, theme and plugins are all updated to most recent versions as far as I am aware.

    Thank you for your theme!


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for let us know about this.

    You can use username for your Pinterest widget ( not username/board_name ) now to get this issue solved.

    In the next updates version of Soledad, we will fix this issuesmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • flvictorkapustin replied


    Thanks a lot for your reply! 

    No problem! Looking forward to future updates :)
