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  Public Ticket #2473456
Header Advertisment


  • alintiniuc started the conversation

    I've looked everywhere in the customize settings but I can not find a location to put an Ad Code to display on the header, right under the menu and before the content starts of every page/post/category/everywhere.

    This is such a basic function to not be so easily accessibly on a theme marketed towards news sites.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Can you show me your site URL to I can take it a look to see your config before guide you?

    Best Regards,


  • alintiniuc replied

    I see the option to add an code at the very top of the header above the menu but that's not where people place header ads. I can't find the section to add a header code to display under the menu system but before the content on every page.

    The only other place is a section for header 3 which is something we definitely are not using.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I think you can try go to Appearance > Widgets > drag & drop widget "Custom HTML" to "Header SignUp Form" and put your ads there.

    And maybe you need to check options for change background & padding for this widget via Customize > Colors & Options for Header Sign-Up Form

    Best Regards,
