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  Public Ticket #2477045
Editing single page - shop


  • InterMari started the conversation

    Hi guys!

    So I'm having a problem editing my pages. Soledad has this nice option where you can edit a ton of stuff on a single page, like the header style, which menu to show, which sidebar to show and all that.

    However, when I try to edit my pages (I want to set a different header style and menu on my shop pageĀ for now), nothing happens once I hit update. It's all still set to the same settings as the rest of the site.

    It doesn't work on other pages either. Am I doing something wrong here?

    Hope you can help me out. Have a great weekend,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, currently those options can't be works with the pages auto created by Woocommerce itself.

    Because Woocommerce has been override those pages and make those pages is not the pages from WordPress - those pages is a custom page from Woocommerce.. And it can't be apply options from the pages from WordPress.

    We will consider to find a solution for this in the future updates.

    Best Regards,


  • InterMari replied

    Thanks for your reply!

    Alright, all clear then. It would be cool if you added it in future updates, it would make customizing a shop an absolute breeze. :)

    Have a great day.