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  Public Ticket #2487512
Fuente desconfigurada


  • Julio César started the conversation

    Hola, no sé porque razón se desconfiguró el tamaño de la fuente de las publicaciones, como lo pueden observar en el pantallazo que adjunto?

    Me pueden ayudar a establecer qué pasó y cómo lo arreglo? En la documentación no hay innformación sobre este tema

    Hello, I do not know why the font size of the posts was unconfigured, as you can see in the screenshot that I attach?

    Can you help me establish what happened and how do I fix it? In the documentation there is no information on this topic

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This issue caused by you've set font size for your posts is too small.

    Please go to Customize > Single Post Options > on "Custom Font Size for general Paragraph inside Post Content" > make sure you don't use a small font size there. It should be at least 13px

    Best Regards,
