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  Public Ticket #2497769
Single Post Modified Date Option


  • Peter started the conversation

    Hello Envato,

    First of all thank you for an amazing theme!

    My question is would it be possible to have a single post have the "modified date" enabled whereas the rest of the website will run by the usual "created date". 

    For example I want to have our bonus code webpage update its date every time a new bonus code as been added, but the rest of the website should not differ. I was thinking that if this possibility is not currently possible if it could be added manually somehow.

    thank you in advance!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchased our theme and loving it.

    Yeah, to do that, you need to edit the file inside this theme, please try replace the code like on this image to this code:

    $post_id = get_the_ID();
    if( get_theme_mod( 'penci_show_modified_date' ) || in_array( $post_id, array('3234') ) ){
        $get_the_date = $get_the_datem;
        $get_the_time = $get_the_timem;


    The value 3234  on the above code is the ID of post you want to display modified date.

    You can check this guide to know how to find ID of a post.

    Best Regards,


  • Peter replied

    thx you it worked! :)