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  Public Ticket #2500441
No Paragraphs


  • anindyabaidya started the conversation

    Dear Penci,

     I recently transferred my website from local host to wordpress. during transfer i deleted quite a few plugins and now installed them again in web. I have Vafpress installed in the web now. but even through I am putting space between blocks the spaces are not coming out in the view mode. I have attached a screen shot attached for the below link

    Please tell me, how to bring back the paragraphs/ space for all my articles.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    First, the plugin Vafpress Post Format UI doesn't affect anything to paragraphs, it's a plugin to help you can create post formats.

    Second, I've checked your posts and I see it already has space for each paragraphs. Currently, all the pagragraphs on that post is on one line, so you don't see the space, let's make one pagragraphs display on 2 lines ( that means more text for one paragraph ) and you will see it's different.

    Best Regards,
