1/ You can edit your homepage by use Elementor > right click on the image at the top and select "Edit Section" > click on the "Style" tab at the top > and change the image - check this image
2/ Please put your google map API key via Customize > General Options > Map API Key.
1. How can I change the Title Typography for the "Penci Widget About Me"?
2. Which is the Description Typoghraphy for the content for "Penci Fancy Heading"? I want to have the content text like in the "Penci Widget About me". Do you maybe have the html-code for me?
1. Penci Widget About Me ---> how & where can I change the typography of the title?
2. I would like to have the same typography for the content in the "Penci Widget About Me" like in the content for the descripton thypography in the "Penci Fancy Heading". I don't know the font name. In the "Penci Widget About Me" I have to insert a html-code to change the font and so. I have a example in the picture.
First is "Penci Fancy Heading" and second is "Penci Widget About Me" I want to have the same format for the second one too.
By default, we don't support for change the typography for "Widget About Me"
If you want to do that, I recommend you use 2 widgets: "Image" + "Penci Fancy Heading" to create the same with "Widget About Me" - and you can adjust the typography for "heading" on settings of "Penci Fancy Heading" element.
I have a question to the portfolio. I have read the readme and watched the video to the portfolio, but I don't know how to add pictures to the categories.
3 Categories: 1, 2, 3
One page: with the name Portfolio and with this code: [portfolio style="masonry" cat="1, 2, 3" number="15" pagination="number" numbermore="6" image_type="landscape" filter="true" column="3" all_text="All" lightbox="fasle" /]
First of all, I can not see the names of the category and I have the filter=true. I want to see all the picture in the category All like in your video. If I will click on 1 to see the pictures from the category 1 and so on. But I don't know how to put the pictures in the each category.
Please check options for it via Customize > Colors for Footer > "Go To Top Button Floating Background Color" and "Go To Top Button Floating Icon Color"
Have you used tab from Elementor? If yes, you can try edit that page/post by use Elementor > right click on "Tab" and select to edit it > and click on "Style" tab and change it - check this image: http://prntscr.com/w8k3n0
Hello dear Team,
I have two points and I hope you can help me.
1. How can I change the first picture on the "index" in the theme "wedding planer"? I have tried to change it, but I can not find it.
2. On the "contact" page the maps are not working. I have now the new API-Key but I don't know where to put it in.
1/ You can edit your homepage by use Elementor > right click on the image at the top and select "Edit Section" > click on the "Style" tab at the top > and change the image - check this image
2/ Please put your google map API key via Customize > General Options > Map API Key.
Best Regards,
Hello again,
thanks for the replay but now I have the next problem. After I inserted the API for Maps, I get this message Link.
And could you please tell me how to change the color of the Menu (hover) and Send button (hover too)
1/ Please try do following this guide to know how to get correct API key for Google Map ( Step 3: Get an API key ):
2/ To change color of the menu, please check options for it via Customize > Colors for Header.
3/ For change colors for buttons, please check options for it via Customize > Colors General.
Best Regards,
Hello team,
I have a next question. I want to change the color of the blue line in the Elementor Widget "Penci Widget About Me". You can see it in the attachment.
It is doesn't work to change the hover color of the "Send"-Button. I tried everything, but the color is still blue.
If you want to change color for only that line, please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:
Change color code ff0000 on above code to color code as you want. You can get a color code here
Best Regards,
Hello Again,
1. How can I change the Title Typography for the "Penci Widget About Me"?
2. Which is the Description Typoghraphy for the content for "Penci Fancy Heading"? I want to have the content text like in the "Penci Widget About me". Do you maybe have the html-code for me?
Thanks a lot.
1/ What do you want to change there?
2/ I don't understand about this question, please tell me more detail about this.
Best Regards,
1. Penci Widget About Me ---> how & where can I change the typography of the title?
2. I would like to have the same typography for the content in the "Penci Widget About Me" like in the content for the descripton thypography in the "Penci Fancy Heading". I don't know the font name. In the "Penci Widget About Me" I have to insert a html-code to change the font and so. I have a example in the picture.
First is "Penci Fancy Heading" and second is "Penci Widget About Me" I want to have the same format for the second one too.
For both your questions:
By default, we don't support for change the typography for "Widget About Me"
If you want to do that, I recommend you use 2 widgets: "Image" + "Penci Fancy Heading" to create the same with "Widget About Me" - and you can adjust the typography for "heading" on settings of "Penci Fancy Heading" element.
Best Regards,
I have a question to the portfolio. I have read the readme and watched the video to the portfolio, but I don't know how to add pictures to the categories.
3 Categories: 1, 2, 3
One page: with the name Portfolio and with this code: [portfolio style="masonry" cat="1, 2, 3" number="15" pagination="number" numbermore="6" image_type="landscape" filter="true" column="3" all_text="All" lightbox="fasle" /]
First of all, I can not see the names of the category and I have the filter=true. I want to see all the picture in the category All like in your video. If I will click on 1 to see the pictures from the category 1 and so on. But I don't know how to put the pictures in the each category.
Please don't use slug for your Portfolio page like:
http://domain.com/portfolio/ because it will conflict the slug with the taxonomies 'portfolio'
Let's use slug like that:
http://domain.com/my-portfolio/ or http://domain.com/our-portfolio/
Best Regards,
I have this link right now: https://domain.de/blog/portfolio/portfolio-2/
But I can not see the categories of the portfoilio. Maybe you can help me. Is the code ok?
How can I add pictures to the categories? This is most important to know.
Your config is wrong.
You need to add portfolio page via Dashboard > Pages > Add New.
Don't use portfolio shortcode inside a single portfolio.
Please check more on this video tutorial
Best Regards,
How can I change the blue color of the button to be on the top of the page? I mean the button on the right corner.
See attachment.
Please check options for it via Customize > Colors for Footer > "Go To Top Button Floating Background Color" and "Go To Top Button Floating Icon Color"
Best Regards,
Hello again,
can you please tell me, where I can change the color? I want to change the green color in gold. Thanks
Have you used tab from Elementor? If yes, you can try edit that page/post by use Elementor > right click on "Tab" and select to edit it > and click on "Style" tab and change it - check this image: http://prntscr.com/w8k3n0
Best Regards,