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  Public Ticket #2500967
Not able to add post Title in new posts


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    VargisKhan started the conversation

    When I click on 'Add New Post' there is no option to add a header to the post. Also, Yoast SEO also has suddenly stopped working with the Soledad theme. When I switch to a different theme, all these options start working again.

  •  1
    VargisKhan replied

    You can ignore this one. I disabled all the plug ins and enabled them again and it seems to be working fine now

  •  1
    VargisKhan replied

    I just noticed that the error is because of this plug in

    Vafpress Post Formats UI

    The moment I activate this plug in, the option to add the heading of the post disappears. I also noticed that this plug in is a part of Soledard Theme. Do I need to keep this activated and if yes, how do I remove the error?

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    VargisKhan replied

    Screenshot attached

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We've found the issue - that's issue from WordPress 5.5 updates the jQuery to higher version and we've release a new update to solved it.

    Let's go and update the theme to version 7.3.5 by do following this guide.

    After update the theme to latest version, don't forget updates plugins via Appearance > Install Plugins > click on "Update" tab.

    When you done, edit a post and the issue will gone. If you didn't see the issue gone, please Press Ctrl + F5 sometimes to clear all the cache - and it should works now.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    VargisKhan replied

    Thank you. It worked. I appreciate your help