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  Public Ticket #2502907
Portfolio, padding and width Questions


  • aeconcept started the conversation

    1). I would like to get the same effect as the demo "portfolio 2 columns" found in this link: (When you hover over image it fades white)

    2). How can I increase the padding between images like the demo. The one I have is very small and I cannot find where to adjust this.

    3). On the home page, is there any way to also adjust the width of the content so it is smaller? 

    Current width is almost full with no sidebar:

    I would like to be able to change the width similar to the single post width like this:

    4). On this link:
    s there any way to change the masonry column to 1 column. I have it currently set to 1 column but it gives me 3 columns and they are small. Im looking for the photos to fade-in as you scroll down the page but just a single column instead of 3.


    Btw it says verified on the Soledad option now so I think I just had to wait for it to update the system. Thanks again for your help on this. Your theme is amazing!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1 & 2/ As I see you're using Gallery images inside a portfolio project - that's not Portfolio - if you want to use Portfolio, you need to use it on a Page ( Dashboard > Pages > Add New )

    You also can use Elementor to manage it better. Let's install Elementor, edit a page by use Elementor and use element "Penci Portfolio" from Elementor to get it display.

    Note: Please don't create a page has slug like because it will conflict with the taxonomy 'portfolio' from the plugin. Let's create a page with slug like  or

    3/ I recommend you use Elementor to config your homepage - and select Template for your static homepage is "Page Full Width" - check this image

    When you use Elementor to config the homepage, you can change the section width - let's change it to the width as you want.

    4/ I think you can make it display on 2 columns - because the masonry layout doesn't make sense if it display on 1 column - that's why we don't make it display on 1 column.

    Note: I see you have some issues with the masonry layout - it doesn't display correctly, it caused by you've enabled lazyload images from Jetpack plugin or from another plugin, let's check and disable it.

    Best Regards,


  • aeconcept replied


    Thanks for the help with that! I was able to slowly figure it out the following:

    • Activated Elementor Plugin (check)
    • Configured Home page with Elementor (check)
    • Used Penci Portfolio from Elementor (check)
    • Template for static homepage "set to full width" (check)
    • Width Changed in Elementor (check)
    • 2 Columns (check)
    • Disabled Lazy Load Images for JetPack (check)

    Still need help with:

    • Positioning of content box

    I am still having trouble making the box center after changing the width. So I changed the width in elementor fine at 700 on the home page. But the content box and penci portfolio are showing up on the left side. I tried on Elementor > Advanced > Positioning > Position ???? I tried both Absolute and Fixed but it messes up the position.

    • Slug

    I checked and it doesn't have slug as portfolio. I think it says that because I used the portfolio tab on the dashboard to make one. The slug form is actually 179 and the other test page I did says test-portfolio-2 as the slug. <---- 179 is the slug <---- test-portfolio-2 is the slug.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ By default, the section will auto center.

    Let's click "Add new section" ( red color ) and select the first layout and make sure your section config look like this image - as you can see it's center.

    I think you should try add a new fresh section and move your content to that new section ( drag & drop )

    2/ I don't clear about this question.

    Please note that on this page: - you're using a "gallery with style Masonry" - It's not a portfolio shortcode there.

    For slug, you can edit that project > and edit the slug as you want on the right side on "Permalink" section.

    Best Regards,


  • aeconcept replied

    That worked. Thank you!