I'm trying to figure out how to increase the resolution of the featured image at the top of each blog post, so that it looks nice and crisp when viewed on 4K monitors.
I've searched the forum and found posts on how to decrease the featured image size, but none on how to increase the featured image size.
Thanks in advance!
PS: Love your work, the Soledad theme is awesome :-)
I'm trying to figure out how to increase the resolution of the featured image at the top of each blog post, so that it looks nice and crisp when viewed on 4K monitors.
I've searched the forum and found posts on how to decrease the featured image size, but none on how to increase the featured image size.
Thanks in advance!
PS: Love your work, the Soledad theme is awesome :-)
Thank you for loving our theme.
If you want to do that, you need to edit the files inside the theme, please do following this image.
Best Regards,
Thanks PenciDesign!
Editing the theme file as suggested solved this problem.