I recently changed the nameservers of my wordpress.com to point to a temporary domain I set up on another host. The social media icon disappear when I open with the wordpress.com domain. Is there a way to fix this?
As I checked, your font icons can't be load because you get issue with CORS Policy - check this image: http://prntscr.com/u3h0w5
The browsers only load fonts from the same domain by default, due to security concerns. the solution for that are CORS headers to be served cross-domain therefore need to be “whitelisted” by adding the correct CORS headers.
Solution is - edit the .htaccess file and allow access from all domains for webfonts by add more this code at the end of .htaccess file:
# Allow access from all domains for webfonts.# Alternatively you could only whitelist your<ifmodule mod_headers.c=""><filesmatch "\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|font.css|css)$"="">Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"</filesmatch></ifmodule>
Or you just need point correct the domain & your website URL.
Yes, it's because I want to use the domain name https://itsvitamind.com/ but I can't migrate the site since it's been registered recently. So I point itsvitamind.com to the sg-host.com domain where I have all the appearance setting. Is this the right way to achieve this (apologies if it's not theme related!) ?
I recently changed the nameservers of my wordpress.com to point to a temporary domain I set up on another host. The social media icon disappear when I open with the wordpress.com domain. Is there a way to fix this?
Thanks in advance!
As I checked, your font icons can't be load because you get issue with CORS Policy - check this image: http://prntscr.com/u3h0w5
The browsers only load fonts from the same domain by default, due to security concerns. the solution for that are CORS headers to be served cross-domain therefore need to be “whitelisted” by adding the correct CORS headers.
Please check more on this article:
Solution is - edit the .htaccess file and allow access from all domains for webfonts by add more this code at the end of .htaccess file:
# Allow access from all domains for webfonts. # Alternatively you could only whitelist your <ifmodule mod_headers.c=""> <filesmatch "\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|font.css|css)$"=""> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </filesmatch> </ifmodule>
Or you just need point correct the domain & your website URL.
Best Regards,
Thanks so much!
I edited the file (see attached) but it didn't work - could you check please?
Ahh, as I checked again, your site still load everything from domain https://tiffanyy4.sg-host.com/ - NOT https://itsvitamind.com/ - it's include images, fonts, stylesheet,....etc your posts still point to https://tiffanyy4.sg-host.com/ also.
That's why the fonts can't be load because the CORS policy you puted is allows for https://tiffanyy4.sg-host.com/ - not https://itsvitamind.com/.
So, please point the correct the domain.
Best Regards,
Yes, it's because I want to use the domain name https://itsvitamind.com/ but I can't migrate the site since it's been registered recently. So I point itsvitamind.com to the sg-host.com domain where I have all the appearance setting. Is this the right way to achieve this (apologies if it's not theme related!) ?
Yeah, that's wrong way. Because everything on your site still point to old domain https://tiffanyy4.sg-host.com/
With this issue, you can contact with your hosting provider and they will help you with this.
And yes, it's not issue related with the theme
Best Regards,