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  Public Ticket #2514247
Demo Featured Slider


  • alicew000 started the conversation

    I want to have my featured slider look like that on the Homepage of the Soledad Food Theme. Which style is that slider and how are the images shown vertically instead of cropped to the recommended size (1170px width & 780px height)? I tried modifying "Featured Penci Slider Height" in Customizer but it didn't change anything.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It's featured slider style 10 and this slider style has vertical images size from itself by default.

    Best Regards,


  • alicew000 replied

    Thanks, I also had a question as a beginner to customizing my Soledad Food theme site:

    Which homepage/global features are controlled using Elementor and which are controlled using Customizer? For example, I understand that I need to "enable featured slider" through Customizer, but I seem to only be able to choose the featured slider layout through Elementor (no changes appear when modified through Customizer). Additionally, I don't know where to configure the general "Homepage Layout". Thanks for your help! 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    On the "Food" demo - we're using Customize to config the homepage - not Elementor.

    You can change homepage layout via Appearance > Customize > General Options > Homepage Layout.

    Best Regards,


  • alicew000 replied

    Thanks! Regarding the portfolio, how can I configure the layout so that the project name is an overlay (like in the Soledad Food demo portfolio) instead of below?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    First, please make sure your Portfolio page is not like this:   Because it will conflict with the portfolio taxonomies name from Portfolio.

    Let's make the slug like this:   htttp://  or   htttp://

    Second, you can check this video tutorial to know how to config Portfolio 

    Note: If you're using Gutenberg editor, you can use "Classic" block ( like this image ) and "Portfolio Shortcode" from Classic block - check this image

    Best Regards,


  • alicew000 replied

    I changed my slug to my-portfolio as you recommended.

    I have attached my shortcode below and also what my project title looks like on the portfolio page. I am trying to enable the overlay hover capability but I'm not sure what I am missing. Thanks for your help!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Strange, have you install & activated plugin "Penci Portfolio" ?

    Best Regards,


  • alicew000 replied

    Yes, is there anything on Customizer I need to look into? Maybe it's a general setting?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please show me URL of your portfolio page to I can take it a look.

    Best Regards,


  • alicew000 replied

    Thanks for all your help, I figured out it was because a plugin I had previously installed was overriding the Penci Portfolio plugin. All set now!