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  Public Ticket #2514650
Yoast SEO not working inside post option


  • SHIVANI20 started the conversation

    Hi Team,

    today i have updated both the wordpress version to the latest one and the theme as well.

    After both the the updates, I am noticing that a lot has changed in classic editor which i use to create posts. right now I am facing a lot of issues . firstly I am not seeing the Yoast SEO option inside my post template to make changes to meta description , etc. I am clicking also but it is not opening. second, in the main heading i do not even see the permalink. third I have made NOTES in penci recipe as visual editor but when I am inserting a link, the settings of that hyperlink is not working because of which I ma not able to make the link open in the new tab.

    please help... lot of issues with the new updates.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    After update the theme to latest version, don't forget updates plugins via Appearance > Install Plugins > click on "Update Available" tab. ( NOT Plugins > All Plugins - please don't understand wrong. )

    When you done, edit a post and Press Ctrl + F5 sometimes to clear all the cache - and it should works now.

    Best Regards,


  • SHIVANI20 replied

    Thanks it is working fine now. still this new wordpress update is not very user friendly.