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  Public Ticket #2516317
Social Warfare Plugin Not Working because of Vafpress Post Formats UI


  • chelseakbaxter started the conversation


    Since the WordPress v5.5 update, I've had trouble with my Social Warfare plugin options tab not showing up at the end of my posts (where the All in One SEO would appear for example). Also, it's affecting which pins are being pulled up for my image to be able to pin to Pinterest. I contacted them, and they said it's due to Vafpress Post Formats UI. They specifically said this: 


    After some troubleshooting we found that your plugin "Vafpress Post Formats UI" is using some very old and no longer supported jQuery functions and this is breaking the functionality of Social Warfare and a few of your other plugins (any plugin that uses jQuery/.js).  If you deactivate that Vafpress Post Formats UI you will see that Social Warfare works as expected.

    We recommend updating that plugin with a version that uses supported code, or re-evaluating the need for that plugin and deleting/replacing it with something that is using safe/standardized .JS/jQuery code.


    Do I need Vafpress Post Formats UI? I know it's part of the theme, but I've updated to Soledad v7.3.5, updated all plugins, and cleared my cache as stated in several other posts and I'm STILL having this issue. 

    My social counts are important to me, so I'd like to have this fixed ASAP. 

    For a screenshot of the issues I'm having, see the attached images.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We've fixed this issue long time ago.

    Please go and update the theme to version 7.3.5 by do following this guide.

    After update the theme to latest version, don't forget updates plugins via Appearance > Install Plugins > click on "Update Available" tab. ( NOT Plugins > All Plugins - please don't understand wrong. )

    When you done, edit a post or a page and Press Ctrl + F5 sometimes to clear all the cache - and it should works now.

    Best Regards,


  • chelseakbaxter replied


    Thank you for the response. When I said in my first message that I'd followed the directions in the forum already, I meant the ones you just sent. I followed each step and still am not seeing my Social Warfare plugin in my options at the end of a post. 

    Can I uninstall Vafpress Post Formats UI?

    And can I fix it by installing this other plugin:

    If I can't uninstall Vafpress, please let me know what my other options are.

    Thank you.

  • chelseakbaxter replied

    Oh, and I should mention, that Social Warfare is appearing on the pages when I go to edit them, but NOT the posts. Which I think another user in the support forum said happened to them too.

    Please see my questions from my previous reply. I just wanted to let you know it's showing up in the pages but not the posts. 



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Have you sure you're using Soledad version 7.3.5,  Vafpress Post Formats UI version 1.7 and go to edit a post and Press Ctrl + F5 sometimes as I said?

    Best Regards,


  • chelseakbaxter replied

    Yes. I'm using Soledad V 7.3.5 and Vafpress Post Formats UI version 1.7. And I've tried opening a post to edit and pressing Ctrl + F5, saving the post, and then pressing Ctrl + F5, and going back to the dashboard and pressing Ctrl + F5. And I'm still having the issue.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Strange, if so, I think you have another plugin caused this issue.

    Please try deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come from the theme ) and try it again. If it works, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue. 

    Best Regards,


  • chelseakbaxter replied

    It's working! I figured it out. In your instructions, you said: Press  Ctrl + F5. I did that many times. But nothing happened. Once I press Ctrl + Fn +F5 it worked. :) Just thought I'd make that clarification in case anyone else has this problem and comes to you with questions. Thanks.