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  Public Ticket #2517899
Elementor editing mode not loading


  • chafolks started the conversation


    I was working with the theme last coupe of days, without any problem. Now, when I try to edit the homepage using Elementor, page is not loading and always asking to switch to the safe mode. 

    As per the troubleshooting guide, I have disabled all the external plugins I have installed. Currently I have only 3 plugins installed. But still the same, Page is not loading.

    Can you help me to fix this issue?



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I just found that latest version from Elementor caused the issue.

    We're working on this to solve it and when it done, we will release a new updatesmile.pngDon't worries.

    I see some customers using Elementor has the same problems, it seems that's a big change from Elementor and it has many issues:

    Best Regards,


  • chafolks replied

    Okay, thanks for the info. I hope there would be a fix early as possible.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    At this moment, please go back to Elementor version 2.9.9 and wait until we release a new update for Elementor to fixed that issue. 

    You can go back to version 2.9.9 by do following steps:

    1/ Download Elementor version 2.9.9 here

    2/ Go to Plugins > All Plugins > deactivate & delete Elementor version 3.0.1

    3/ Upload elementor version 2.9.9 you got on step 1 & activate it.

    After that check it again.

    Best Regards,


  • chafolks replied

    Thank you. 

    Followed the guide you have shared and now the issue had with Elementor has been fixed.