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  Public Ticket #2518291
conflict plugin


  •  1
    zoomkite started the conversation


    I’ve a little problem on my website using Soledad theme and Rank Math. I can’t edit meta and SEO decription of my posts in my wordpress editor because Rank math doesn’t apear in it. So i used plugin “Health Check & Troubleshooting” and i found a conflict with “Vafpress” plugin.

    When a shut down “vafpress”, rank math come back in my editor and when is activate, rank math disapear.

    All my theme and others plugins are update and officials.

    I dont know if its Rank math problem or Vafpress problem, so i will sent the same return to other plugin team.

    Thank’s for your job !

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go and update the theme to version 7.3.5 by do following this guide.

    After update the theme to latest version, don't forget updates plugins via Appearance > Install Plugins > click on "Update Available" tab. ( NOT Plugins > All Plugins - please don't understand wrong. )

    When you done, edit a post and Press Ctrl + F5 sometimes to clear all the cache - and it should works now.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    zoomkite replied

    Thanks for your quick reply !

    My theme and plugin were update, so i juste press Ctrl + F5 and seems good :) 

  •  1
    zoomkite replied

    I make a news post here because i can't create a new one (Your website doesn't want validate my envato account).


    Hi team !

    I use soledad theme from penci design.

    Today i’ve optimized speed of my website with W3 total cache plugin.

    Since setting were done, share box post on post page doesn’t work. When i click on heart icon, it put +1 but when i refresh the page it doesn’t count.

    Screenshot here :

    Is there something to do in W3 total cache plugin to don’t cached this part of post ?

    Thank’s for your answer !

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems your support is expired, so you can't create a new ticket - please renew the support to keep support from us.

    And yes - the page cache from W3 Total Cache will cache everything as HTML.

    After a few time, you can clear all the cache to see the new update on the "like" count.

    Best Regards,
