Hi I want to make a page simular like i made the home page, 2 rows of posts in total 6 items. This should apear when you clik on one of the main menu items, since these menu items are all categories.
How do i have to do that with the less work? Do i have to make pages of this or is there an easy way to do so?
How does this category show only 6 posts and then underneath >> page 1,2,3 I have put this in general options https://prnt.sc/u7bpud but it shows more than 6
2/ You've adjust the wrong option - the option you've changed on Customize > General is an option for custom number of posts to showing each time load more posts when you use "Load More Posts button"
For this requirement, please change it via Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Blog pages show at most
Hi I want to make a page simular like i made the home page, 2 rows of posts in total 6 items. This should apear when you clik on one of the main menu items, since these menu items are all categories.
How do i have to do that with the less work? Do i have to make pages of this or is there an easy way to do so?
Please let me know. Thank you
Do you mean change the layout for your category pages?
If right, you can change the layout for your category pages via Customize > General Options > Category, Tags, Search, Archive Layout.
Best Regards,
Thank you that was exactly it!
Now 2 more questions please
(LOGIN = marcel)
i would like to have it just like the homepage lay-out (full screen)
I have put this in general options https://prnt.sc/u7bpud but it shows more than 6
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards Cristel
Lay-out choice is changed. So i only need answer on number 2 please.
2/ You've adjust the wrong option - the option you've changed on Customize > General is an option for custom number of posts to showing each time load more posts when you use "Load More Posts button"
For this requirement, please change it via Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Blog pages show at most
Best Regards,