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  Public Ticket #2519541
Elementor stopped working


  • ChristyDeBenis started the conversation


    Elementor stopped working since last update. I am running latest version of the theme (7.3.5) and latest version of Elementor (3.0.2).

    Do you have a quick solution to fix it?

    Kind regards,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We just found that latest version from Elementor caused the issue.

    We're working on this to solve it and when it done, we will release a new updatesmile.pngDon't worries.

    I see some customers using Elementor ( with other WordPress themes ) has the same problems, it seems that's a big change from Elementor and it has many issues:

    At this moment, please go back to Elementor version 2.9.9 and wait until we release a new update for Elementor to fixed that issue. 

    You can go back to version 2.9.14 by do following steps:

    1/ Download Elementor version 2.9.14 here

    2/ Go to Plugins > All Plugins > deactivate & delete Elementor version 3.0.1

    3/ Upload elementor version 2.9.14 you got on step 1 & activate it.

    After that check it again.

    Best Regards,


  • Tessey replied

    I turned off all plugins and still have the issue with Elementor.  If I use Wordpress Twenty Twenty theme Elementor works fine.  So I would think it is your theme that is causing the issue.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @Tessey,

    We've fixed this issue in the latest version of Soledad 7.3.6.

    Let's update the theme to latest version 7.3.6 by do following this guide.

    After update the theme to latest version, don't forget updates plugins via Appearance > Install Plugins > click on "Update Available" tab. ( NOT Plugins > All Plugins - please don't understand wrong. )

    And check it again.

    In next time, please create a new ticket - don't put reply to tickets of other people because they will get notice email about your replysmile.png

    Best Regards,
