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  Public Ticket #2521676
Theme update erases configuration data


  • vcor started the conversation

    Is there a way to install updates without having to install another plugin?  Installing 7.3.6 failed on top of 7.3.5.  It didn't have any errors, but the version didn't change and Elementor 3.0.3 still fails.

    I deleted 7.3.5 and then 7.3.6 would install, but of course it deletes all the configuration information which will take a few days to recreate. At least Elementor now works.

    Might be nice to have an export/import function if each install deletes the prior configuration data.  I'll have to avoid updates in the future - too much pain.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We have a guide about how to update the theme on the documentation on the top of file.

    You can see the text at the top of documentation:

    You can do following the guide there to update the theme. Also, the update doesn't lose anything, it seems your update has something wrong because the update doesn't affect anything to your configuration..

    Best Regards,


  • vcor replied

    The problem with the "Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades" Plugin is it hasn't been upgraded or tested in a year and is not recommended for WP past 5.2.7.  Is there another updater you recommend that works with WP 5.5?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    The "Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades" still working fine with WordPress 5.5

    Some plugins on no need for update because it works for all version of WordPress without updatessmile.png

    Let's go and update it - all other customers update the theme without any issue by use that way.

    Best Regards,
