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  Public Ticket #2527117
Hide Featured Image on certain posts


  • spratt21 started the conversation

    Hi on some of my more informative "article style" posts I would like to not have a large featured image at the top of the post but instead have an image inline with the text of my article.  

    It appears that the theme only allows a global hide of the featured image on all posts under the customize>single post options.  

    Is there a way to hide the image on a specific post only?  Or alternatively is there a way to resize/relocate the feature image in my post so that I can make it display where how I want it to?  (I'm utilizing elementor)

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, currently this theme doesn't support hide featured image for specific posts.

    If you want to do that, I think the best solution is hide featured image and add the image to your posts content ( where you want the image display ) via the editor.

    Best Regards,


  • spratt21 replied

    Actually, I just found it under "Edit Post">"Hide Featured Image Auto Appears on This Post?"