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  Public Ticket #2529224
Typography Changes & Broken Text Widgets


  • craiggundry started the conversation

    I recently changed the default paragraph text font and line-spacing by using the template’s appearance-customize options (Appearance->Customizing->Typography->Default Typography->Paragraphs). When I did, it worked correctly in some places, but also caused a number of new problems elsewhere.

     I’m hoping you can help me figure out the following:

     1. Since I changed the default paragraph font, choosing a different font in a text block by using the typography options in Elementor’s text widget has no effect on the text. It’s as if the new default settings are overriding the Elementor widgets. Is there a way to fix this? And if so, how?

     You can see an example of this on the following page:

     If you scroll to the chalkboard, when I made the change in the template appearance settings, it changed the text to the new default. Previously, I had two other fonts selected there that appeared like chalkboard writing. When I went to change the font in the widget, I discovered that my original settings are still there. The template is somehow overriding those custom settings. The only widgets that will allow me now to customize the font are the heading widgets.

     2.  When I set the new font (Amiri), it changed the paragraph text in the blog posts (which I wanted). However, the original default line-spacing still appears in the post texts. As noted in number 1, I can’t change this manually using the text widgets. So the blog posts have large and distracting line spaces.

     You can see an example of what I mean here:

     Any help figuring this out is greatly appreciated! I've used several Wordpress Elementor themes in the past few years, but this one has been the most challenging in terms of customizing the typography settings.

     Thanks in advance!


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    First, our theme doesn't exists any option called "Typography" inside Customize.

    It seems that's options renders from a plugin you're using - you should check and deactivate that plugin because that plugin works not correctly.

    Second, after deactivate that plugin, you can check options for change the general heading titles & body text fonts via Customize > General Options > "Font for Heading Titles" and "Font for Body Text"

    Best Regards,


  • craiggundry replied

    Thank you for the prompt reply!

    You are correct. There was a plugin affecting that. However, the plugin was installed in an effort to allow adjustment of the line spacing. If there are no customize setting which allow that level of customization, where in the CSS sheets is this controlled? I have a programmer who can assist is making the adjustment.

    Thanks again for your help!

  • craiggundry replied

    One more item...Changing the font as instructed in the General settings had no affect on the blog. Where are the font customize options for blog posts?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ To adjust the line height of paragraphs inside posts, you can try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .post-entry p{ line-height: 1.6; }

    Change value 1.6 to value as you want. Example: 1.7 or 1.9.. Default is 1.8

    Also, make sure you don't change the line height for paragraphs via Text element from Elementor

    2/ I just checked it and I see this issue caused by you've set a font for your "Elementor Text Widget" - the widget you're using inside posts content.

    Please make sure:

    a) You've checked to reset default fonts from Elementor here

    b) Edit a post has different font by use Elementor > right click to edit it > and make sure you don't select to custom font for that element.

    Best Regards,
