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  Public Ticket #2530703
Change the style of Header and the Menu


  • chafolks started the conversation


    I have installed and used in my web domain , this demo as the main layout and the style. Can I modify the header and the menu style of it same as this demo;

    If it is possible, I want to make 2 - 3 banners. 

    for example, that space next to the logo , can I split like 25%, 50%, and 25% or so? Then I can utilize that space for more advertising.

    Thank you



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can change the header style via Customize > Logo and Header Options > Header Layout > select "Header Style 3"

    And by default, this header style supports one banner only.

    But, you can use custom HTML/shortcodes in this arena via Customize > Logo and Header Options > Google adsense/custom HTML code to display in header 3

    Best Regards,
