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  Public Ticket #2531035
Small text in back-end


  • miki31-7 started the conversation

    Hi, with Soledad enabled, the text in the article body of the Wordpress editor (back-end) becomes too small. 

    It is a different font from the font-end and I'd like it to be bigger like when I use other themes. How can I make it bigger?

  •  3
    Vy replied

    Agree, the default font of Soledad's Gutenberg editor is too small, I even have difficulty reading text in this mode. Hopefully the development team will increase the font size in the next updates.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, by default we set the font size as the default font size on the front-end. It's 14pxsmile.pngNot really small..

    If you want to increase it, you need to edit the file inside this theme - please do following this image.

    Best Regards,


  • miki31-7 replied

    I ensure you it's small if you look from a 15.6-inch screen of a laptop. Just compare the body font to the title to understand how small it is. 

    By the way,  can I make the edit you suggested with the child theme by copying the inc folder in the child theme folder? Or there would be issues?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You see it's different because you've changed the font size for paragraphs from your-end. But, too many customers is happy with 14px on the front-end...

    Also, this is a hook and currently there is no way to do that with inside child theme.

    Best Regards,
