Agree, the default font of Soledad's Gutenberg editor is too small, I even have difficulty reading text in this mode. Hopefully the development team will increase the font size in the next updates.
You see it's different because you've changed the font size for paragraphs from your-end. But, too many customers is happy with 14px on the front-end...
Also, this is a hook and currently there is no way to do that with inside child theme.
Hi, with Soledad enabled, the text in the article body of the Wordpress editor (back-end) becomes too small.
It is a different font from the font-end and I'd like it to be bigger like when I use other themes. How can I make it bigger?
Agree, the default font of Soledad's Gutenberg editor is too small, I even have difficulty reading text in this mode. Hopefully the development team will increase the font size in the next updates.
Yeah, by default we set the font size as the default font size on the front-end. It's 14px
Not really small..
If you want to increase it, you need to edit the file inside this theme - please do following this image.
Best Regards,
I ensure you it's small if you look from a 15.6-inch screen of a laptop. Just compare the body font to the title to understand how small it is.
By the way, can I make the edit you suggested with the child theme by copying the inc folder in the child theme folder? Or there would be issues?
You see it's different because you've changed the font size for paragraphs from your-end. But, too many customers is happy with 14px on the front-end...
Also, this is a hook and currently there is no way to do that with inside child theme.
Best Regards,