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  Public Ticket #2531822
WooCommerce Category/Archive Page


  • KatkaG started the conversation


    I think this is my last question for you.

    Is it possible to add a line of text ((H4 maybe) under the heading on the WooCommerce cat/archive pages (one of them is linked above), possibly as a woocommerce_before_shop_loopweb hook: 

    I'm using the Code Snippet plug-in if there is a code that would work.

    Thank you. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I think you don't need to do that, you can add the text by use Product Categories Description.

    By go to Products > Categories > edit the category you want to put the text below > add the text on "Description" field.

    Best Regards,


  • KatkaG replied

    Yes!!!  Thank you and sorry for bugging you. I didn’t realize I could do that. I knew I could add text on the main shop page but not the categories. 

    Have a great day.