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  Public Ticket #2536716
widgets and not proper display


  • fridaroam started the conversation

    I have updated to the latest Soledad 7.3.6 and recently I have had major problems with the main sidebar and its corresponding widgets. Everything look wrong  OR is not even showing up at all.

    Also, the single post still shows a category title after I choose hide feature under customize menu. This is causing hours of time and frustration.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ I can see the sidebar displayed fine on your posts - check this images:

    Can you tell me what's problems there?

    2/ On the image you sent me, it's breadcrumbs - not categories.

    You can hide breadcrumbs via Customize > General Options > and check to "Hide Breadcrumbs"

    Best Regards,
