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  Public Ticket #2537604
2 instagram account on site.x and site.y


  • veryfp started the conversation

    Dear Support,

    on site.x I use Soledad instagram feed perfectly associated to instagram account 1

    on site.y (the name is the same, only the domain extension is different) I'd like to use the same widget but associated to another instagram account.

    I've just take all the Instagram configuration parameters but the feed on the site.y is showing the feed of the account number 1

    Any ideas?

    Thanks a lot

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    To do that, you need to:

    1/ Go to and login to your another instagram account.

    2/ Go to edit the Soledad Instagram Feed widget on site.y > click on URL to get Token & ID for your new instagram account and update it for site.y

    And check it again.

    Best Regards,


  • veryfp replied

    Dear support,

    after some hours the problem is solved, I think it's only a "cache" problem