1/ You see the space is too wide because you've changed the borders on footer social icons to the same as background color of the footer - normal, it will have a border like this
But, no problems, if you've adjust the borders like that, you can add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to reduce the space between footer logo & footer social icons:
Also, please remove the space display above your logo image - here is your logo image - as you can see your logo image has a space on the top. I've cut it to help you, you can download the image from my attachment and replace with your current footer logo image.
2/ To change the footer logo width & height - the simple is to change the width & height for your footer logo image.
May I know how to adjust the size for footer logo?
if is it that possible more close to footer social icon which means that not too much spaces between footer logo and footer social icon?
Please show me your site URL to I can take it a look. Because maybe that's problems with your logo image only.
Best Regards,
here is my website:
Is that possible to change the width and length for footer logo?
1/ You see the space is too wide because you've changed the borders on footer social icons to the same as background color of the footer - normal, it will have a border like this
But, no problems, if you've adjust the borders like that, you can add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to reduce the space between footer logo & footer social icons:
.footer-logo-copyright.footer-not-gotop, .footer-logo-copyright{ padding-top: 0; }
Also, please remove the space display above your logo image - here is your logo image - as you can see your logo image has a space on the top. I've cut it to help you, you can download the image from my attachment and replace with your current footer logo image.
2/ To change the footer logo width & height - the simple is to change the width & height for your footer logo image.
Best Regards,