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  Public Ticket #2543096
Can not see the quote mark in my article


  • Lucas started the conversation


    can see the "quote mark" when I am editing the article. 

    But after finishing the edit, I then updated the article, purged the cache, and logged out. I can not see the "quote mark" on my website when I visit the website as an anonymous user.

    Can you teach me how to solve the issue?

    Thank you.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, it's a new added in the recently updates of WordPress and we will add more this style in the next update version of Soledad.

    Now, please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to make it appears:

    .post-entry .wp-block-quote,
    .wpb_text_column .wp-block-quote,
    .woocommerce .page-description .wp-block-quote {
       padding-left: 1em;
       border-left: 4px solid #000;

    Best Regards,
