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  Public Ticket #2543103
theme grid issues


  • fridaroam started the conversation

    Hello  I am using standard then grid layout. As seen in the attached photo My excerpts are not lining up. I have set the post excerpt length and still no fix. Why is a random post displaying more. I need my posts to line up.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It's not a bug. This issue caused by your post content.


    When you write a sentence:

    we're going swimming  => WordPress will understand you have 3 words in this sentence - separated by a space.

    But, if you write a sentence:

    I go out => WordPress still understand you have 3 words in this sentence.

    And if you compare:

    we're going swimming


    I go out 

    You can see the sentence "we're going swimming" much wider and longer with "I go out".

    It happens the same with your excerpt now. The excerpt on the post "Hope for the dogs of oaxaca" has wider and longer than the excerpt from the post "A place woven with traditions" - so it drop to a new line.

    And this is normalsmile.png

    Best Regards,
