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  Public Ticket #2544068
Penci Recipe Plugin


  • janwith started the conversation

    I just installed SOLEDAD FOOD on my existing recipe blog with more than 700 recipes using EASY RECIPE PLUS plugin. I would like to get rid of this old plugin and use penci that comes with the theme. My question is, if I go ahead and delete the old plugin, will the recipes be where they should be? Please help! I don't want these recipes to evaporate. Many years of hard work. Thank you!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, if you remove the plugin EASY RECIPE PLUS plugin - All your recipes you written before by use this plugin will gone with the plugin.

    It can't be keep or move to Penci Recipe plugin because EASY RECIPE PLUS plugin use a different meta data with Penci Recipe plugin.

    I think the best solution here is:

    1/ Keep use EASY RECIPE PLUS plugin and hire someone re-style this plugin to make it display good.

    2/ Hire someone to move all data from your old EASY RECIPE PLUS plugin to Penci Plugin.

    Best Regards,
