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  Public Ticket #2548541
Transparent header on Home Page


  • obit8 started the conversation

    Good afternoon, I have a transparent header on the home page, but I can't reverse this situation and I see that something is wrong, because when I choose the font color for Transparent header it doesn't change.

    It is like if the Header is Transparent but is not transparent for the theme.

    How can I fix this? I would like to have a white font color on the homepage menu, but a black font color on the others page where the header has a white background.

    And I would also like to know where to manage the background for the home page, because I can't fix this issue alone.

    Thank you

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This is an issue with Elementor Pro plugin. It auto override the sticky header from the theme and caused this issue.

    You can fix it by install & activate plugin  Code Snippets.

    After that, go to Dashboard > Snippets > Add New > enter a title and put the code below on the "Code" box:

    // Dequeue and deregister 'elementor-pro/assets/lib/sticky/jquery.sticky.min.js'
    add_action( 'elementor/frontend/before_enqueue_scripts', function(){
        wp_dequeue_script( 'elementor-sticky' );
        wp_deregister_script( 'elementor-sticky' );

    like on this image.

    And save it and check it again.

    Best Regards,
