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  Public Ticket #2551788
Class Names Support for Columns Short-Code


  • FWD2016 started the conversation

    Back in 2017, I made the request to add support to the Columns.php short-code that gives the option to add a class name to it. 

    SoleDad support did provide the PHP coding to change the shortcode to add support for class names (Thank-you), but SoleDad has never instituted that support to the Columns.php short-code in any updates of the theme. In other words, SoleDad never added that feature to any of its updates. 


    Can you please forward this request to SoleDad developers to add another FEATURE, that adds support to the columns short-code where we can add our own class names so we can add our own CSS styling to columns?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for your suggestion. I will let our developers know about this request.

    Also, please understand that we have too many feature request from other customers. And we can't add all. We need to consider each feature request and add itsmile.pngSo, please don't sure that it will be added... We just can sure we will consider it - not sure it can be added.

    Best Regards,
