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  Public Ticket #2552570
Can not see the images


  • Lucas started the conversation


    Due to the terrible PageSpeed Insights score, I want to speed up my website.

    But after changing some settings of SG Optimizer, I can not see the images when I visit my website by nether by PC nor by mobile phone.

    Can you help me to solve the issue?

    Thanks a lot.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please un-check on "Enable Lazyload Images" from SG Optimize settings and check it again because the theme already supports for lazyload images.

    Best Regards,


  • Lucas replied


    Do I need to un-check "Lazy load media" to disable all the lazy load function? 

    Does the theme already support for lazyload "media" or only support for lazyloading "images"?

    Thank you.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This theme already supports for most of lazyload features there, so I think you can un-check on "Lazyload Media"

    Best Regards,
